Dear Reader,

Hi! This presentation was prepared to support my talk to MBA students on the Brexit. It contains the basics of what the Brexit is all about. I have attempted to give a quick historical background to the European Union and the Eurozone, and have then created slides on the pros and the cons of the Brexit.

It is possible that you feel a disconnect while browsing through the slides, because the connections are meant to be created through the talk. If such an issue arises at all, just write in, and I’ll take care of your query pronto!

Brexit June 2016

10 thoughts on “

  1. Ma’am, as UK does not come under euro but was a member of EU, how did the policies of UK’s Monetary Policy Committee and that of ECB’s interacted with eachother? And how will that situation change after the BREXIT?


    • Hi Dhruv,
      The Bank of England is responsible for the monetary policy of the UK whereas ECB does the same for the EU. Now, it goes without saying that the monetary policies would be dependent on the other country’s stance. For example, if ECB follows a tight monetary stance and raises interest rates, BOE won’t slash interest rates since that will push capital away from UK into EU. Thus, monetary policies are “aligned” to each other; however both banks are on paper free to take independent decisions for their countries. Post-Brexit too, the banks will maintain alignment and independence, both!


  2. Hello Ma’am,

    Just around the same time (when you were making this PPT), I was gearing up on writing my maiden post on LinkedIn, and dunno why I got fixated to Brexit.

    Reading the ppt, I feel I was quite close on more things than few !!!


  3. Your content is hypnotizing enough, without the added background πŸ˜› Hi Dhruv,
    The Bank of England is responsible for the monetary policy of the UK whereas ECB does the same for the EU.

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